Ideal Location

Quasar Energy is pursuing the goal of establishing solar thermal power generation in the area near Wentworth, in South Western NSW. Quasar Energy has secured 1800 hectares of freehold land currently used for grazing, on “Netherby”, 10 km north of Wentworth, situated between the Darling River and Fletcher’s Lake. The plant will have access to water resources and is situated in the vicinity of power transmission and distribution grids.

Excellent Solar Resource

The key factor affecting the feasibility of a CSP plant is the Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI) available in the location. The DNI solar resource in Wentworth, assessed using data from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), is around 2200 kWh/m2 per year. This is world class and on par with, or better than, many CSP power plant sites around the world.

A highly accurate solar monitoring ground station has been established on Quasar Energy’s land in order to obtain precise and reliable data to calibrate the BOM satellite-based estimates.

A Key Position in the Power Grid

Quasar Energy’s land is positioned relatively close to the local power distribution and transmission network. Its position next to both the NSW – VIC interconnector and to the proposed 330 kV interconnector between NSW and SA gives the plant the possibility to provide its positive effects on the grid to three states.

Further confirmation of the value of Quasar Energy’s land position is its inclusion in Renewable Energy Zone 13 in the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) 2018 Integrated System Plan (ISP). Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) are areas considered to have valuable renewable resources, good strategic location and are to be prioritised for future improvements to transmission capacity.