Conventional renewable power generation technologies are restricted by storage and availability issues.

Fossil fuels have had their day, and the benefits/risks of nuclear power are still hotly debated.

Project Wentworth uses Concentrating Solar Power technology (CSP), which is already used successfully in 120 plants in 19 counties around the world.

Crucially, CSP stores power, to keep it available (“dispatchable”) long after the sun has gone down and batteries have been exhausted.

Ideally located, Project Wentworth will have the capacity to power 60,000 homes.

As Australia’s first CSP generator, it is nothing less than the answer to Australia’s future power generation needs.

Improving Renewables

Conventional solar energy requires more batteries and therefore more storage. Not only does this lead to higher costs, it causes more waste as battery longevity is finite.

Concentrating and storing solar power

At the core of CSP technology are mirrors that collect and concentrate the sun’s radiation. This produces high temperatures and therefore high efficiency energy conversion.

How it works

The process of producing power from the sun’s radiation starts with concentrating mirrors to collect heat, and ends with efficient energy storage using molten salts.